Forks on the Right

Forks on the Right : January 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


So I know Christmas was ages ago, but I feel the need to brag on Zack a little bit. He did good in the gift giving the department. I mean, he always does, but especially this year. And I'm only saying this because he tends to stay away from "fashion" gifts (like most guys), but not this year. This year he went for it and hit the nail on the head.

First of all, the shoes. I love TOMS, and I've been wanting a pair of "nice" tennis shoes that are not for working out in, so Zack (with his 9+ years of knowing me) put two and two together, and I got the perfect pair of sneakers that will never see the inside of a gym.

Then there's the scarf. I'd shown him a few plaid scarves that I liked, and from there he found this guy from Madewell. Love the open weave, and I never want to take if off.

He also got me a backpack (also from TOMS) and a hat (this one) which aren't featured in this post, but equally amazing. But the real star and final accessory he got me was probably my favorite gift because it was so creative and unexpected: the bracelet. Now, this isn't just any bracelet--it holds your hairband!! Every girl needs this in her life because we are all victims of wearing ugly hairbands on our wrists and suffering from the terrible indentation it leaves when we remove it. This bracelet makes your hairband an actual accessory PLUS no ugly mark. 

So, pretty spoiled on my end. And about to get even more spoiled since I officially kicked off my birthday festivities last Friday night. I'm one to celebrate my birthday for an entire week, but this year it seems that the celebration will be a little longer. My actual birthday is this Saturday, and I'll be celebrating in NC with my family and friends (and possibly a snow storm...not sure how I feel about that). But I won't just be celebrating my birthday. My best friends/maids of honor are throwing my bridal shower that day too! And on top of that Zack surprised me with a pretty amazing gift, but more to come on that in another post because with Zack's movie wrapping up and my visit to NC, I don't actually get the gift until I get back to LA in February. And since you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure you are extremely confused, but it is going to be worth the wait (for me to experience and you to read about). 

XO – Courtney

dress (urban outfitters) // scarf (madewell) // shoes (toms) // 
bracelet (bittersweet) // bag (the limited)

[photo credit: zack hardy]

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Not Just a Pepperoni Pizza

So how are those resolutions treating ya? Well, if you're doing the whole healthy thing then this post might make you consider a cheat day.

Who doesn't love pizza? I've shared a few pizza variations on this blog (here), but generally I keep my pizzas simple. However, now that all these little pizza joints are popping up (PizzaRev, Pieology, Blaze, etc.) where you can create your own customized pizza, I feel silly (self conscious?) when I order a simple pepperoni pizza. Are they judging my bare pizza? Do they think my boring pizza means I'm a boring person? Probably not, but I also feel like I should be taking advantage of all the toppings...I mean...I'm paying for them and there is no I've started to expand my pizza palette.

Red Sauce? White Sauce? Olive Oil? Oooh, sometimes I even get really crazy and mix the red and white sauce. (For today's recipe I went with just a light drizzle of olive oil). And why settle for one cheese when you can pile on a few (mozzarella & ricotta, please!). Duh, still sticking with pepperoni, but let's make things exciting with a little bacon. Because everything's better with bacon. Toss on some basil and garlic, and we're ready to throw this pizza in the oven. Now, one of my new favorite toppings goes on after the pizza has cooked: a handful of arugula and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. I have a strawberry balsamic in my pantry that I used and it gave the perfect hint of sweetness to the pizza. 

Are you a boring pizza person or do you go crazy with toppings? I'd love to hear some of your favorite pizza toppings and combinations.

XO – Courtney


 Not Just a Pepperoni Pizza

· Pizza Dough (homemade or store bought)
· Olive Oil
· Mozzarella Cheese
· Ricotta Cheese 
· Pepperoni
· Bacon
· Basil
· Minced Garlic 
· Arugula 
· Balsamic Vinegar 

1. Preheat oven according to pizza dough instructions.
2. Drizzle olive oil on dough and bake for a few minutes before adding toppings.
3. Add toppings: mozzarella, ricotta, pepperoni, bacon, basil, & garlic.
4. Remove pizza from oven, top with fresh arugula & balsamic vinegar, and serve immediately.


Monday, January 4, 2016

Sweet Sixteen

For the past couple years around my birthday, I've made a list of my hopes and goals for the upcoming year. But I guess since my birthday falls in January, you can just call these my New Year's resolutions. 

I'm a firm believer in setting goals, so in addition to my "goals for the year," I also set monthly goals for myself. I find that writing them down really helps me accomplish them, and since I'm a sucker for checklists, I know if I write them in my planner, I'm gonna do everything I can to get them checked off. 

Anyway, below I've shared the 10 goals I've set for 2016. May this post keep me accountable and motivated to accomplish each and every one, and maybe even inspire you to set your own goals if you haven't already. 

1. Get married! 
Do I need to elaborate on this one? This isn't even really a "goal" because in 88 days, it's happening, but it's going to be the best and most important event of 2016, so it deserves the number 1 spot. 

I was able to do a good bit of traveling in 2015, and I definitely want that to continue this year. No specific trips planned yet, but Zack and I have a list of places we want to visit (both near and far), so I'm thinking we will get some of those crossed off. I would love to do a trip abroad (especially since Zack finally got a passport last year and has yet to get that thing stamped!)

3. Start a family. And by that I mean adopt a kitten.
Only fur babies please! 

4. Saying no when I need to.
I actually started "practicing" this last year, but it's something I want to continue. Why do we feel the need to say yes to everything...or come up with excuses? It's ok to say no. It's ok to not want to do something. It's ok to stay in and relax if your mind & body are telling you too. And it's ok to be honest about it. Sometimes you just need time to yourself and that's 100% acceptable.

5. But also knowing when to say yes. 
On the opposite end of the spectrum, it's also important to know when to say yes. Try something new, support your family and friends, and be adventurous. I read a quote that perfectly sums up why it's important to know when to say yes: 

"Maybe your friend impulsively suggests a concert, 
or someone's had a bad day and needs to go for a drink — 
whatever the reason, if you feel it would make your or their 
night, you should do it. In the best case scenario,
you'll get a memory to keep forever; 
at worst, at least you tried something new!"

6. Try at least one new thing each month 
To go along with #5, I want to try at least one new thing a month. New recipes, new books, new hikes, new restaurants, new projects, new whatever. Bring it.

7. Planks and push-ups everyday 
It's really sad, guys, but I can't do push ups. Go ahead and make fun (Zack does). Now, I can do "girl push ups" but Zack says I should be about to do real push ups.  So that's my goal. Maybe if I start with a few each day (I'm saying 10), ill get there. And why not throw in a few planks too? Because #abgoals

8. Write a business plan 

    "Make 2016 the year you stop thinking about 
starting a business and you start taking action  
it’s OK if it’s a small business on the side. 
The first step to take is to write a business plan. 
Once you get your ideas down on paper, 
you’ll be that much more motivated 
to turn those ideas into reality."

Not sure where I read this, but it is 100% on point. Although I have a few ideas for future ventures that will not kick off in 2016, I do have a smaller business idea that I want to launch after the wedding (you know, when my mind isn't 100% consumed by that). 

9. Keep friends close. 
The hardest part about moving to California was the distance it put between me and my best friends. Over the past (almost) 2 years, I think we have done a great job of making the long distance thing work, but I'm making it my goal (again) to continue to put in the effort. Phone calls, facetimes, texts, care packages, and of course, planning visits. Those girls (you know who you are!) are too important to lose. 

10. Go to disneyland!
Last but not least. Believe it or not, I've never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld, and this was the only thing I didn't check off my list last year, so I figure I should probably try and get there in 2016 (especially considering it's right down the road).

And with that, I'm ready to take on 2016, and what a sweet '16 it will be. 

XO – Courtney