
Thursday, April 2, 2015

DIY: Easter Eggs

I refuse to ever become too old for holiday traditions, so today I'm bringing you not one but two Easter crafts. First things first: decorating eggs. A dye kit from the store is all you need to create some colorful eggs in solids, multi-colors, or even ombre. Generally, you mix the dye in a water/vinegar solution, but this year, Zack and I painted the dye straight on the egg. The brush strokes created an unevenness to the paint that gave almost a marbled look when it dried. The kit we bought came with a gold finishing paint that we mixed in with some of the dye to add a golden hue. After the eggs were dry, I even took a sharpie and doodled on a few.

Another fun Easter tradition: Easter egg hunts. My mom used to hide plastic eggs in our back yard every year all the way through high school and even college (seriously), and even though it was silly, my brother and I never argued because as we got older, she started hiding money in them. What college kid is gonna say no to free money? Last year, I put together a little egg hunt for Zack and filled plastic eggs with candies and mini bottles of alcohol. This year I've decided to plan another egg hunt, but create my own paper eggs. Free reign to decorate the eggs however you want, whatever size you want, filled with whatever goodies you want. I used plain white paper and colored pens to decorate, but scrapbook paper in fun prints would be another option. I could see these being really fun for kids to decorate or a cute gift for friends or co-workers. Just hide them, hunt them, and tear them open!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." 
1 Peter 1:3 

Happy Easter! 

XO – Courtney

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